Pond Care 101 – Cleaning and Maintenance – Pond Vacuums (LMP Pond Academy) Keeping your pond clean and sludge free is vital to the heal...
How Many Pond Plants Can I Have? - LMP Pond Academy Plants are a wonderful addition to any pond. They brighten up your aesthetic, give f...
Pond Cleaning And Maintenance - How We Can Help And Why It's Important. A backyard pond is the ultimate landscaping upgrade: You get a nice...
What we generally refer to as blue-green algae is actually a complex collection of micro-organisms known as cyanobacteria and these guys a...
So your pond looks great, your fish seem happy and healthy and all is well in the world - until it isn’t. It can be devastating waking up ...
As organic matter decomposes within your pond, it releases nutrients and particles that can feed weeds, algae and other nasties. The decompo...
What Is UVC And Why Is It Great? A UVC unit (Ultra Violet Clarifier) is essentially a secondary filtration device. Water flows through the ...
LMP's Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist Now that the weather is warming up, algae cells and invasive weeds that were resting over Winter w...
Why Is My Pond Green? - LMP Pond Academy Has your pond turned green? It might be envious of balanced ecosystems! Watch the video below t...
Tardigrades, more commonly known as Moss Piglets or Little Water Bears, are one of the most interesting organisms on Earth. It is believed t...