Azolla. In this post we are going to cover the good and bad sides of this aquatic plant so you know what you can expect when you see azolla ...
Pond Care 101 – Cleaning and Maintenance – Pond Vacuums (LMP Pond Academy) Keeping your pond clean and sludge free is vital to the heal...
Q&A: Windmill Aeration For Dams Explained Windmill aeration provides an effective oxygen transfer solution for your large pond, dam or ...
Raising Happy & Healthy Fish In Your Dam Fish are a wonderful addition to any dam. They can provide entertainment and companionship, se...
Taste Test Your Pond - How Your Pond Can Help You Grow Fresh Fruit And Veg Owning a backyard pond is great for relaxation and there are man...
How Many Fish Can I Keep In My Pond? - LMP Pond Academy Everyone has their own ideas about how many fish you can happily keep in any given ...
Why Is It Important To Have Oxygen In My Pond? And How Can I Get It? - LMP Pond Academy We know we're forever going on about how important ...
How Many Pond Plants Can I Have? - LMP Pond Academy Plants are a wonderful addition to any pond. They brighten up your aesthetic, give f...
Why You Should Consider Solar Aeration For Your Pond Or Dam We all know that aeration is crucial to the health of our aquatic ecosystems bu...
Pond Cleaning And Maintenance - How We Can Help And Why It's Important. A backyard pond is the ultimate landscaping upgrade: You get a nice...