
How Many Fish Can I Keep In My Pond? – LMP Pond Academy

How Many Fish Can I Keep In My Pond? - LMP Pond Academy Everyone has their own ideas about how many fish you can happily keep in any given ...

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Why Is It Important To Have Oxygen In My Pond? And How Can I Get It? – LMP Pond Academy

Why Is It Important To Have Oxygen In My Pond? And How Can I Get It? - LMP Pond Academy We know we're forever going on about how important ...

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How Many Pond Plants Can I Have? – LMP Pond Academy

How Many Pond Plants Can I Have? - LMP Pond Academy Plants are a wonderful addition to any pond. They brighten up your aesthetic, give f...

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Pond Cleaning And Maintenance – How We Can Help And Why It’s Important.

Pond Cleaning And Maintenance - How We Can Help And Why It's Important. A backyard pond is the ultimate landscaping upgrade: You get a nice...

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Evil Algae

What we generally refer to as blue-green algae is actually a complex collection of micro-organisms known as cyanobacteria and these guys a...

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Help! All My Fish Are Dead!

So your pond looks great, your fish seem happy and healthy and all is well in the world - until it isn’t. It can be devastating waking up ...

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What Is UVC And Why Is It Great?

What Is UVC And Why Is It Great? A UVC unit (Ultra Violet Clarifier) is essentially a secondary filtration device. Water flows through the ...

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LMP’s Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

LMP's Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist Now that the weather is warming up, algae cells and invasive weeds that were resting over Winter w...

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Invasion Of The Pond Snatchers

World domination could be being planned in your backyard right this instant and you wouldn't even know until it was too late! Ok, maybe tha...

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Sludge, Muck, And Everything Yuck

If you've got a water body, no matter how big or small, it's pretty much guaranteed that you're going to have to deal with sludge or sedimen...

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