Quarter Size Matala Filter Media Sheets
Matala filter media sheets are the #1 biological-mechanical filtration media on the market. The result is improved water quality in your pond without chemicals. Made of high-quality thermo-polyethylene compounds, Matala’s filtration media sheets are lightweight, durable and highly effective at bio-filtering pond water. The trademark noodle-lattice pattern filters out particles while providing an enormous amount of surface area—premium real estate for good bacteria to colonise. These good bacteria are the key to cleaning the water passing through.
More surface area = More good bacteria = Cleaner water
Matala filtration media sheets have the perfect combination of high surface area and good flow-through design. In other words, the bacteria have plenty of places to live in the lattice and the design slows the water down enough so it has plenty of contact with these good microbes and the larger particles are captured.
Superior to foam filters which often clog altogether or clog in areas which can cause channeling, i.e., all the water passes through a single area, which is obviously not the point of a filter, Matala filtration media features a non-clogging design—the finer particles pass through, while the larger particles are captured.
How do good bacteria (on the filter media) improve water quality?
“Good” bacteria are aerobic/oxygen-loving bacteria which thrive in oxygenated environments. They consume nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen which reduces nutrient levels in the water. This means less algae and weeds because they don’t have enough food to survive. These “good” bacteria also feed on organic material, e.g., leaf litter, duck poo, dead insects and animals. This means less sludge on the floor of your pond. Getting rid of sludge also helps reduce algae and weeds because sludge acts as a fertiliser for these pests.
Choose from 4 Matala filter grades:
Choose from multiple grades (black, green, blue, grey) to allow for a step-down transition from mechanical to biological filtration, trapping smaller and smaller particles.
- Black: low density
- Green: medium density
- Blue: high density
- Grey: Super high density
We recommend putting the black first to take the brunt of the big particles, then you step down to green, blue and grey. The idea is that each sheet catches finer and finer particles.
Mix and match colours/grades. Just let us know which colour/s you want in the ‘Delivery instructions’ section when making payment.
Benefits of Matala filtration media:
- Improves water quality
- Reduces nutrient levels in water
- Provides a stable biofilm, i.e., design allows good bacteria to colonise the filter evenly and in great number and not get flushed away
- Reduces sludge on your pond floor
- Vast amounts of sludge can build up within the media before clogging occurs and cleaning is needed
- Cleaning is easy—simply shake off debris and rinse the filter sheets with pond water, to not destroy the beneficial bacteria
- Easy to cut to fit any application
- Koi and fish pond filters
- Spawning mats for fish
- Garden ponds
- Aquaculture
- Plant growing media for use in aquaponics or hydroponics
- Filter mats for Matala Biosteps of Matala Koi Clear
- Domestic wastewater
- Greywater diversion devices
- Stormwater treatment
Product details:
- Dimensions – 60cm x 50cm x 3.8cm
Please let us know which colour/s you want in the ‘Delivery instructions’ section when making payment.
Discount pricing available for quantities greater than 10. Please call 1300 283 387 for pricing. Boxes of 5, 10, 20 etc available.